I'm creating a workbench to make some audit on GIS files.
First my workbench list all files that are into a directory (including subdirectories).
Then, I filter theses files to keep only the one I want to audit, for exemple every shapefiles.
Finaly I get the schema of every shapefile with the <schema> output of a FeatureReader.
It works really great but if I have two files with the same name in two different subdirectories my problem comes : only 1 schema is kept.
That's how FME works, it unions feature types with the same name.
But in my case, I need to analyse the schema of every layer even if they have the same name. This is an audit so these file can have different schema even if they have the same name.
I want to have an automatic workbench and not having to create one FeatureReader for each directory.
Is there anyone with an idea on how to get the schema of two files with the same name in two different subdirectories ?
Thank you