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I'm in a serious dead end - whatever I do, I can't export files with FME that would show in Blender. I have tried to export both in OBJ and FBX, but they don't appear. I can import the file, but nothing shows.


My original file is in WFS format and looks just like it is suppose to in the FME data inspector. When I create a writer it makes the files and they appear in the folders they are suppose to. However when I try to open them with Blender, Unity or with Autocad I can't see any buildings that I exported. I can just see the contollers, looks like empty game/3d object.


Can someone share their workflow when importing to blender 2.8? Is there some tickbox or selection that I should use?


Oh the same file OBJ file I have managed to open with 3D Builder, but the 3D builder asks me to locate every singe texture surface (over 20 in one element) separately. Does this give any hints what I'm doing wrong with OBJ conversion? I only used the 3d builder for testing and I need to use blender or unity, but decided to include this information in case it helps with debugging.


Thank you for help in advance!



maybe found a solution - i hadn't transferred the origo to local origo. I think then the origo would actually be the coordinate system's origo and when I open the file in 3D program the files look empty as all the objects are ridiculously far from the origo.

origo then becomes pivot point i suppose.

maybe found a solution - i hadn't transferred the origo to local origo. I think then the origo would actually be the coordinate system's origo and when I open the file in 3D program the files look empty as all the objects are ridiculously far from the origo.

Yep, making sure that you move to the model to the origin is an important step for sure. Here's some discussion on moving to local coordinate system.
