Thank you for your reply. I've already been watching, But my requirement is to create a new subtype domain from scratch. I don't have any sample subtype domain geodatabase available; I only have table data.
Thank you for your reply. I don't have any experience with arcpy or PythonCaller. Do you have any ideas on how to manage and implement the code in PythonCaller?. My current requirement is to create 10,000 subtypes for a list of corresponding 1,500 types in a single or multiple geodatabases.
Thank you for your reply. I don't have any experience with arcpy or PythonCaller. Do you have any ideas on how to manage and implement the code in PythonCaller?. My current requirement is to create 10,000 subtypes for a list of corresponding 1,500 types in a single or multiple geodatabases.
There is nothing out of the box to create file geodatabases with domains and subtypes. You will have to study the esri documentation and learn to implement that in a workbench using PythonCallers.
I found a workspace template on the FME hub which creates a file geodatabase with domains from excel input, but no subtypes. It also is from 2017… What you want to do might be complex to build, not something I would advise to start with learning FME.
Thank you for your reply. I don't have any experience with arcpy or PythonCaller. Do you have any ideas on how to manage and implement the code in PythonCaller?. My current requirement is to create 10,000 subtypes for a list of corresponding 1,500 types in a single or multiple geodatabases.
There is nothing out of the box to create file geodatabases with domains and subtypes. You will have to study the esri documentation and learn to implement that in a workbench using PythonCallers. This is may easier nowadays with ChatGPT / AI assistant in FME.
I found a workspace template on the FME hub which creates a file geodatabase with domains from excel input, but no subtypes. It also is from 2017… What you want to do might be complex to build, not something I would advise to start with learning FME.
I cannot link to the FME hub, but you can google it. Search “for Create_empty_FGDB” + FME hub
Agree with @nielsgerrits on ChatGPT being a great starting place for things like this!!
In regards to FME and ArcPy/Python here are some documents/discussions on it:
Agree with @nielsgerrits on ChatGPT being a great starting place for things like this!!
In regards to FME and ArcPy/Python here are some documents/discussions on it:
Also, in FME 2023, in the PythonCaller, you can ask the AI assistant to generate PythonCaller implemented code to create a new file geodatabase. You can just work from there, creating a featureclass, creating attributes, creating domains and subtypes, assign these to the attributes. It is a lot of work, but is now easier than ever before.