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I have a point POI (Points of Interest) feature class. I need to calculate X and Y coordinates (Lat\\Long ) in a FME workbench process. How do I do this with FME workbench ?  



Can someone help me to model this or any other direct converter 



(Feature class has sshape] field.) 



Try the CoordinateExtractor, with an index of 0 for points.






to add to Itay's response: if your input feature class isn't already in LatLon, insert a CsmapReprojector before the CoordinateExtractor to reproject the geometry first.



Thank you gentlemen. I will try this



@David : Feature atributes never show coordinates as it is encripted  in geometry field(Shape) we need x,y coordinates in seperate column for simple (ArcGIs flex API based) application to show points on map. Application has compiled and  written to use x,y coordinates where we cant change.



Appreciate your reply. 



yes, that's correct. My point was that the CoordinateExtractor will extract the x,y coordinate values in the same coordinate system as the input geometry. If this differs from LatLon, you will have to do some reprojections to ensure you get the x,y in your chosen projection.




use transformer chopper, then coordinate extractor (expose elements x and y)
