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I want to create a bounding box from grouped points (by permit number).  I used the BoundingBoxAccumulator and in the inspector it comes out great except that it also is writing out the points!  When I try to save this into the SDE as a polygon feature class, it fails and says that it doesn't accept multiple types of geometry...  I also want to save out the points as well =, so how do I seperate out the points and lines into 2 seperate feature classes (appending existing).



Origionally, In ArcToolbox, the tool I used was "Minimum Bounding Geometry", if that helps....


Separate the geometries via the GeometryFilter and write to separate feature classes.
it only outputs the originals through the "Original" output and not the BB output.
Gio- It does not save out like that, I tried several combinations and it failed everytime.  GeometryFilter was the fix!
