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Hi, I have a feature class of polygons that I would like to convert to a text layer in the DGN file with one of the attributes as the text shown. I have played about with GeometryCoercer and tried  changing the format attibutes (igds_type and igds_text_elements{}.igds_text_string) but cant get text to display in the place of polygons. Has anyone managed to do this?



Try the LabelPointReplacer.



and then the TextAdder to transform it to text geometry.
Thanks, are there any guides to formatting the text. Is it by insering numbers to igds_text...  format atttributes
guides? not really you can however see the documentation of the StringFormatter for formating options.



Normally after labeling the features the fme_text_string attribute value will be transfered to the igds_text_string, automatically transfering the values.


