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Has anyone tried to write to an In-Memory table such as a PostGIS temporary table?

For what it's worth, I've tried this in a SQLExecutor transformer before, like...

DROP TABLE imark_temp_table;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE imark_temp_table (a varchar(100),b varchar(100));
INSERT INTO imark_temp_table (a,b) values ('xxxx','yyyy');
SELECT COUNT(*) AS FeatureCount FROM imark_temp_table;

But it only exists during that SQLExecutor. If I tack another SQLExecutor on afterwards and repeat the SELECT COUNT(*) command, it tells me imark_temp_table doesn't exist.

So I guess it works, but I'd say the uses are fairly limited.

I gathered that postgresql temporary tables are created in the buffer. So, I wonder whether the use of temporary tables can help speed up the process.


Any clue?
