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I have several workbenches running as jobs on FME Server that read/write to an ArcGIS SDE geodatabase in SQL Server. They all use a shared SDE connection file, currently stored in the \\Shared Resources\\Data folder on the server. One of the workbench jobs is apparently having an issue with this connection file. Whenever it runs (and the workbench logic allows trying to open the SDE geodatabase for a write operation), the job fails with this error:

Creating writer for format: Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb)


Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for writer named `GEODATABASE_SDE'Loaded module 'GEODATABASE_SDE' from file 'C:\\Program Files\\FMEServer\\Server\\fme\\GEODATABASE9.dll'FME API version of module 'GEODATABASE_SDE' matches current internal version (3.8 20180209)FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system setFME API version of module 'GEODATABASE_SDE' matches current internal version (3.8 20180209)Writer `FeatureWriter_2_0' of type `GEODATABASE_SDE' using group definition keyword `FeatureWriter_2_0_DEF'FME API version of module 'GEODATABASE_SDE' matches current internal version (3.8 20180209)The ArcObjects license 'Advanced' is being selected from the Windows registryFME has checked out an Esri license. The product checked out is 'Advanced'Installed ArcGIS version is '10.5.1'An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the connection parameters from the connection file '"C:/ProgramData/Safe Software/FME Server///resources/data//OSA Connection to LGIM_Pub on GIS-SQL1.sde"'A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

I have ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.1 and Background Geoprocessing (64-bit) installed on the server. The connection file is configured to use Operating System Authentication (OSA), and FME Server runs using a domain account that has the required privileges on the geodatabase in SQL Server.

The workbench runs fine in FME Desktop on my local computer using the exact same connection file.

I can't seem to get past this. The other jobs that use this connection file run without any issues.


Hi Carl,

Thank you for your patience!

That is strange that other workspaces are working fine using this same connection file. Are you certain they are all pointing to this same location?

Are the other workspaces using the connection file in a Writer as well? Was this workspace created in an older version of FME? Could you re-add this writer and test again?

What version of FME Desktop and FME Server are you using?


I have seen issues in the past where spaces in the sde connection filename were a problem - but this doesn't make sense if it is working for other Readers or Writers and, precisely this same file.

This workspace was created originally in FME 2017 and is now maintained in FME 2018 and run on FME Server 2018. And the workspace runs without issue on FME Desktop.

I re-added the FeatureWriter and republished the workspace to FME Server. The workspace now runs correctly and without error!

Thank you.

@SteveAtSafe whoop, I spoke too soon.  It runs without failure if I manually run the workspace using "Run Workspace".  But it still fails when run as a scheduled job. 

I've deleted the schedule and rebuilt it again.  I pointed the published parameter for the connection to "$(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA)/OSA Connection to LGIM_Pub on GIS-SQL1.sde".  This scheduled job still fails with the error: 

An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the connection parameters from the connection file '"C:/ProgramData/Safe Software/FME Server///resources/data//OSA Connection to LGIM_Pub on GIS-SQL1.sde"'

@SteveAtSafe whoop, I spoke too soon.  It runs without failure if I manually run the workspace using "Run Workspace".  But it still fails when run as a scheduled job. 

I've deleted the schedule and rebuilt it again.  I pointed the published parameter for the connection to "$(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA)/OSA Connection to LGIM_Pub on GIS-SQL1.sde".  This scheduled job still fails with the error: 

An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the connection parameters from the connection file '"C:/ProgramData/Safe Software/FME Server///resources/data//OSA Connection to LGIM_Pub on GIS-SQL1.sde"'
I think I've identified the problem.  I compared the parameter from a working scheduled job:



to the one for this job:



The only difference is the broken one wraps the value in quotes.  If I delete the quotes, the job runs fine.


The quotes are being put in by FME Server when I use the elipsis (...) button to navigate to the connection file in the shared resources data folder within the Schedule interface.  



What's weird is that the Run Workspace tool also wraps the value in quotes, but it runs without any issue.
I think I've identified the problem. I compared the parameter from a working scheduled job:



to the one for this job:



The only difference is the broken one wraps the value in quotes. If I delete the quotes, the job runs fine.


The quotes are being put in by FME Server when I use the elipsis (...) button to navigate to the connection file in the shared resources data folder within the Schedule interface.



What's weird is that the Run Workspace tool also wraps the value in quotes, but it runs without any issue.
Hi @c2, This might not be it, if it worked when you removed the quotation marks. But I did notice another difference between the two screenshots, there is an extra / after $(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA), in the one not working. Can you try removing that?


Hi @c2, This might not be it, if it worked when you removed the quotation marks. But I did notice another difference between the two screenshots, there is an extra / after $(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA), in the one not working. Can you try removing that?


I deleted that extra / and the job still runs ok.

Hi, Was there ever a resolution to this? I am having the exact same problem. FME server running 21 jobs for different GML files all jobs use same workbench with same SDE file. every time 19 will fail with the error "An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the connection parameters from the connection file" and 2 will succeed and write features. Different 2 each time but the 19:2 ratio is always the same.

If I make a workbook runner and run these through that they will all work absolutely fine, it is only with FME that there is an issue.
