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am trying to write out some “UK Flood Security” polygons obtained from an API
to my ArcGIS Online account as a new Feature Service. I keep getting an error
that the “Geometry Type: Unknown (0) and

“No geometry mapping entry found for 'esriFieldTypeString(200)' in
metafile 'C:\\Program Files\\FME\\metafile\\ARCGISONLINEFEATURES.fmf'.

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details.”

The FME ArcGIS Online Writer has geometry set to Polygons. That is the data type I see coming from the API.

Seems like a case for Safe Support as the fmf file is an FME installed file.

Thanks I already logged the incident with Safe Support. I was hoping for a quick fix. Maybe not.

This error is usually thrown when invalid characters inside attribute names are sent into the ArcGISOnline writer. Typically this would be characters such 

@ . {}
. We're looking into a little better error handling here, as the message is not explicit.



Hope this helps!



This error is usually thrown when invalid characters inside attribute names are sent into the ArcGISOnline writer. Typically this would be characters such 

@ . {}
. We're looking into a little better error handling here, as the message is not explicit.



Hope this helps!



Thanks for your help Nathan. Thanks for the better error handling in the code. I'll be careful having odd characters (@,{}, 2) in the field names and not having duplicate field names such as "floodAreaid" and "floodAreaID".


