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Hi FME Gods,



I'm new to the FME world, so I'll try to explain my problem as good as I can.



I'm receiving the following error, when running my workspace:



"Geodatabase Error (-2147220655): The table was not found.


Could not open File Geodatabase table '\\Skovkort\\Teknisk_anlÅ|g'"



Now I'm Danish, so I use the special characters :æ, ø, å. The character 'Å|' in the end of the error message, is actually the character 'æ' in my ESRI geodatabase, however FME has changed it in the error message. I have not had any problems with my other data, which do not have any special characters in them.



So my question is this:



Do anyone know if FME has problems with reading in databases, which have special characters in their name, and if so, do anyone have a solution?



Looking forward to any replies.:-)





which version of FME are you using? I tried to reproduce this using FME 2013 SP1 and could successfully read an ESRI File Geodatabase containing the letter "æ" in both the file name and in a feature class name.



Are you perhaps passing the filename of the geodatabase into FME from a batch file? That would be a known problem as batch files does not support extended characters, and it has nothing to do with FME.



Hej David,



I'm using FME 2012. Sounds great that you could do it, that means it is probably just human error :-)



I tried opening a new workspace with a different geodatabase also containing "æ" and this time a sligtly different error occured, already when loading the reader:



The table name 'MATRIKULÆR' could not be found in the Geodatabase as either a feature class or a table

Failed to get the domain for the table/feature class 'Matrikulær'. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147211775'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {}



But no, I'm not using any batch files.



Hej Lars,



it seems like the support for extended characters in the Geodatabase is sketcy at best, but I'm not sure whether this is due to a shortcoming in FME or in the ESRI APIs.



On a general basis I would always recommend against using special characters in any feature class or table name, regardless of the underlying implementation (e.g. ESRI, Microsoft or Oracle). Even when it seemingly works, the odds of running into problems in some future fringe situation are simply too great.






My last entry was just me, using the wrong reader, so you can disregard that error. OOPS..



But I still haven't been able to figure out why it won't run my workspace. Are there any settings one could set up, with regards to special characters?



Yep I'll definetly avoid using them from now on. I could probably change the names of my feature classes, to not having any special characters in them. However I have a lot of data, and changing them would "corrupt" some of my other data and would have to change their properties and so on and so on. So I'm still hoping for the "easy fix" in FME. I'll post the solution if I stumble upon it myself.



Thanks for your answers.
