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FME Server and DWG template files

  • 12 February 2013
  • 2 replies




I'm working on a solution using FME Server's datadownload service on which I'm trying to write out to a DWG with an uploaded template file (via the datadownload web gui).



Currently it fails with the log error:



Failed to copy template file '\\prototyp.dwg' as the destination file 'C:\\Windows\\TEMP\\FME_1360689826165_4428.dwg'. Error is 'The operation completed successfully.



A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details



which is funny because it says it completed successfully but obviously it didn't.



The test case I'm running is just a DWG reader connected to a DWG writer with the writer's template parameter published. If I remove the published parameter and provide the template as a resource the workspace translates successfully.



I've checked the permission on C:/Windows/Temp and even tried with permission to Everyone on full. The FME Server is running on Windows Server 2008 R2.



// Jonas




So actually you want to write to the LOCAL filesystem of FME Server, instead of downloading the finished result? Have you looked at this?
Hm. Perhaps you need to add the FME_SERVER_DIST_DIR before the filename to correctly find the file on the "temp" catalogue of FME Server? More information and links to Scripted Parameters here:

