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Hi all,

I have been having an issue in an evaluation copy of FME Server 2019.1, where I have been attempting to connect to an Active Directory instance but have been getting 'An error occurred while communicating with directory server (8)'.

I've included some logging below (with domains and URIs removed>. I've not been able to find any resources which address this issue - is there any kind of configuration in FME Server that I've missed?

Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.672 PM INFORM RequestHandler-Thread 401933 : Successful login by user admin


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.714 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408078 : (Active Directory) Connecting using directory configuration "<domain>"...


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.720 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408001 : (Active Directory) Connecting to an available server in ( <>:389 )...


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.727 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408002 : (Active Directory) Successfully connected to <>.


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.728 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408065 : (Active Directory) Connected server is an Active Directory server.


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.728 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408066 : (Active Directory) Default user name attribute is "sAMAccountName".


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.728 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408067 : (Active Directory) Default user full name attribute is "displayName".


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.728 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408073 : (Active Directory) Default user mail attribute is "mail".


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.728 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408068 : (Active Directory) Default group name attribute is "sAMAccountName".


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.729 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408004 : (Active Directory) Found default search base "DC=<domain>,DC=<name>,DC=<local>".


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.729 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408029 : (Active Directory) Found supported SASL mechanism "GSSAPI".


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.729 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408029 : (Active Directory) Found supported SASL mechanism "GSS-SPNEGO".


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.729 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408029 : (Active Directory) Found supported SASL mechanism "EXTERNAL".


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.729 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408029 : (Active Directory) Found supported SASL mechanism "DIGEST-MD5".


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.729 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408040 : (Active Directory) Configured to use simple authentication.


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.729 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408007 : (Active Directory) Authenticating user "<domain>\\<user>"...


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.731 PM INFORM pool-5-thread-1 408060 : (Active Directory) Successfully connected to <>.


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.737 PM ERROR pool-5-thread-1 408069 : An error occurred while communicating with directory server (8)


Mon-20-Apr-2020 05:36:42.737 PM ERROR pool-5-thread-1 408010 : (Active Directory) Exception: "00002028: LdapErr: DSID-0C090256, comment: The server requires binds to turn on integrity checking if SSL\\TLS are not already active on the connection, data 0, v3839

Hi @kenant,

It looks like your Active Directory may have disabled basic connection + authentication.

Have you tried either of the following to see if that resolves the error:

  1. Setting the Connection Encryption to SSL / StartTLS
  2. Using Authentication Type = SASL

Hope that helps!

Hi @kenant,

It looks like your Active Directory may have disabled basic connection + authentication.

Have you tried either of the following to see if that resolves the error:

  1. Setting the Connection Encryption to SSL / StartTLS
  2. Using Authentication Type = SASL

Hope that helps!

Hi Chris, thanks for your response!

I'm currently using STARTTLS over port 389 with basic authentication. Does the error on the last line indicate that SSL/STARTTLS hasn't been configured?

For what it's worth, this is most likely an issue with our active directory, I'm having some colleagues look at it too. I'm hoping I can test this again pretty shortly and provide my own solution so this question can be closed!


