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Hello All,

This applies to FME 2013 Oracle Edition (2013 - Build 13263 - WIN 32). One of the scripts we run intermittently fails. This happens when reading an excel file

Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `XLS_ADO'
Loaded module 'XLS_ADO' from file 'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME\\plugins/FME_ADO.dll'
FME API version of module 'XLS_ADO' matches current internal version (3.7 20121025)
MS Excel Reader: Read 1 DEF line(s). Found 26 attribute(s)
MS Excel Reader: Opening `[Filepath]' for read operation
MS Excel Reader: Verifying registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Jet\\4.0\\Engines\\Excel\\TypeGuessRows is of type 'REG_DWORD' and has a value of '0'
MS Excel Reader: Registry value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Jet\\4.0\\Engines\\Excel\\TypeGuessRows' expected to have data of '0', but found '8'
MS Excel Reader: Verifying registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Jet\\4.0\\Engines\\Excel\\ImportMixedTypes is of type 'REG_SZ' and has a value of 'Text'
MS Excel Reader: Temporarily patching Excel registry for provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'. This change will not be visible to other processes

MS Excel Reader: Now reading features from table Sheet1, 10 record(s) at a time

Reading source feature # 2500

Reading source feature # 5000

This was where FME crashed but then has run successfully afterwards

Would anyone know the cause of this error?



This is the log file for when excel file is read successfully

Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `XLS_ADO'
Loaded module 'XLS_ADO' from file 'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\FME\\plugins/FME_ADO.dll'
FME API version of module 'XLS_ADO' matches current internal version (3.7 20121025)
MS Excel Reader: Read 1 DEF line(s). Found 26 attribute(s)
MS Excel Reader: Opening `[Filepath]' for read operation
MS Excel Reader: Verifying registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Jet\\4.0\\Engines\\Excel\\TypeGuessRows is of type 'REG_DWORD' and has a value of '0'
MS Excel Reader: Registry value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Jet\\4.0\\Engines\\Excel\\TypeGuessRows' expected to have data of '0', but found '8'
MS Excel Reader: Verifying registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Jet\\4.0\\Engines\\Excel\\ImportMixedTypes is of type 'REG_SZ' and has a value of 'Text'
MS Excel Reader: Temporarily patching Excel registry for provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'. This change will not be visible to other processes
MS Excel Reader: Now reading features from table Sheet1, 10 record(s) at a time
Reading source feature # 2500
Reading source feature # 5000
Reading source feature # 7500
Reading source feature # 10000
MS Excel Reader: Database read complete. Retrieved 11226 feature(s)
MS Excel Reader: Closing `[Filepath]' . Read operation complete
