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Currently, within FME desktop me and my colleague, we are trying to convert a DGN file to a DWG file (realdwg). The DGN file has a size of roughly 90 MB. However just using simply a Reader and a Writer does result in a DWG of around 600 MB! I don't understand why the file became so big and ideally we would like to keep the size of the DWG lower than 100 MB.



Are there things which we can try to make the filesize of the DWG as small as possible and ideally below 100MB

On reason for the size increase could be that the DGN cells are, by default, expanded into individual geometries.

You can retrieve cell information through the format attributes igds_cell_*, see also

@david_r​ hi David, sorry I misunderstood my colleague and initally I thought that the cells should be left out. Apparently we still do need the cells in the realdwg. When I indeed excluded the cells, the file size of the dwg was roughly 110 MB. So it's indeed due to the cells that the filesize became 600 MB. The dgn filesize is roughly 90 MB and my colleague explained that it's due to shared cells that the filesize is small. My colleague was wondering whether during the translation it is possible in FME workbench that shared cells is also an option in the realdwg file and therefore the filesize will be kept small as well in the realdwg file. If you might know other ways to minimze the filesize while keeping the cells, those suggestions are also welcome.
