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I have a FeatureWriter connected to a Google Sheet. That FeatureWriter's input are files that were just uploaded to a Google Drive (through a GoogleDriveConnector). I want the FeatureWriter to update the Google Sheet with each of the uploaded file's informations but right now only the informations about the first uploaded file appear. How can I make it so all the files are going to be written at some point?


I know Google Sheet doesn't support insert but I have a script that deals with that part, I just need the information of the files to be written in the Sheet at some point.


Thank you

Hi @nademmy,

Would you be able to share the workspace or screenshots of the workspace so we can get a better understanding of what is currently happening?

From what I understand, you want to edit the file that you just uploaded to GoogleDrive. If that is the case, you will likely need to use a FeatureReader to read that data back in, process it (i.e. update file information), and then use a Writer or FeatureWriter to write the changes.

Hi @nademmy,

Would you be able to share the workspace or screenshots of the workspace so we can get a better understanding of what is currently happening?

From what I understand, you want to edit the file that you just uploaded to GoogleDrive. If that is the case, you will likely need to use a FeatureReader to read that data back in, process it (i.e. update file information), and then use a Writer or FeatureWriter to write the changes.

Thank you for your comment, but I was able to work around the problem!
