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Hi -

I’m attempting to identify the schema of 33 shapefiles. The goal is to transform all the shapefiles from one schema to a standardized schema in a single workflow. My thought is to first identify all the attributes of the raw data then create a look-up table. To do this, I started by running a query on my source folder using the PATH reader to identify all the shapefiles in the folder. Next, I was going to use the FeatureReader transformer with the Format set to ESRI Shapefile using the file path attribute (path_windows) from the PATH reader as the dataset to read. I was then going to use the ListExploder to expose the attributes from the <Schema> output port. However, the schema output port is skipping 4 of the shapefiles. The schema output port = 29 ; initiator output port = 33. I’m not sure why it’s doing this. The file path is different for all the shapefiles. Any help to get all 33 shapefiles to go through the <Schema> output would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.

Hi @creinier 


If possible, would you be able to share a workspace template with feature caching enabled so that we can take a closer look. 



try changing the format in the feature reader to “Schema any format”. all the schemas then should come out the generic port so you have you master list o do your schema mapping.
