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I have multiple jpegs in multiple folders. I first read in using the Directory and File pathnames reader. I didn't want all jpegs to be read so I created a tester to negate some of these. Next I used a string searcher to isolate only the jpgs and not world files or .aux. Next is where my issue arises. I want to now read in the jpgs that I have isolated using a FeatureReader. But within the feature reader parameters for dataset I don't know how to link back to the jpeg files. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


What value are you passing as "Dataset" in the FeatureReader? Perhaps send the output from the StringSearcher to a Logger so you can see what's going on. From the Path names reader you probably want to use the "path_windows" attribute.

Rather than using the StringSearcher, you can tell the Path names reader to only return .jpg files:

What value are you passing as "Dataset" in the FeatureReader? Perhaps send the output from the StringSearcher to a Logger so you can see what's going on. From the Path names reader you probably want to use the "path_windows" attribute.

Rather than using the StringSearcher, you can tell the Path names reader to only return .jpg files:

That's my problem, I'm not sure what to add as "Dataset" in the FeatureReader. I want to link this to the jpegs that have been isolated in the multiple folders that have been read through the intital Directory and File Pathnames reader.

What value are you passing as "Dataset" in the FeatureReader? Perhaps send the output from the StringSearcher to a Logger so you can see what's going on. From the Path names reader you probably want to use the "path_windows" attribute.

Rather than using the StringSearcher, you can tell the Path names reader to only return .jpg files:




Here's how I'd set up the FeatureReader to point to the "path_windows" attribute supplied by the Path names reader:

Notice that I'd also choose to use a single output port, this simplifies your workspace slightly as every jpeg is then output from the <Generic> output port:

What value are you passing as "Dataset" in the FeatureReader? Perhaps send the output from the StringSearcher to a Logger so you can see what's going on. From the Path names reader you probably want to use the "path_windows" attribute.

Rather than using the StringSearcher, you can tell the Path names reader to only return .jpg files:

That worked perfect.You're a genius!! Thanks so much for the swift help.


