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Kindly need help to extract XYZ for each vertex of linestring (CAD) to a excel file along with the attributes (layer name, first point, end point, color, )



You can use the VertexExtractor from the FME Store, it will convert a polyline into points, preserving all the input attributes.



You could also just use a Chopper, set to chop at 1 vertex - this will retain the attributes. Add a CoordinateExtractor to get the coordinate values, and write those out into your spreadsheet.



Regarding layer name and color:


A format attribute called "fme_feature_type" stores the layer name. You can expose this attribute in the "Format Attributes" tab of the reader feature type properties dialog.


For color, see the "fme_color" (pen color) and "fme_fill_color" (fill color), or format specific attributes which store color information. e.g. "igds_color" and "igds_fill_color" for the DGN format.



If you need to extract only coordinates of first and end points, you can also use two CoordinateExtractors in a series. Set 0 to the Index parameter for the first point, -1 for the end point.



Hello ,



Thanks for your suggestions, I could reach more than half way of my required output.


I ended in extracting vertex coordinates attributes for each line string with unique ID, I still need to give ID for first and last vertex for each line string . Any more suggestions??





Hello ,



Thanks for your suggestions, I could reach more than half way of my required output.


I ended in extracting vertex coordinates attributes for each line string with unique ID, I still need to give ID for first and last vertex for each line string . Any more suggestions??





I'm not sure I understand the question, could you please give an example?

Hello ,



Thanks for your suggestions, I could reach more than half way of my required output.


I ended in extracting vertex coordinates attributes for each line string with unique ID, I still need to give ID for first and last vertex for each line string . Any more suggestions??





I wonder if this question provides the solution?

I'm not sure I understand the question, could you please give an example?



Hope the above image explains my need, I did some workout , but could not get a result just like above





Hope the above image explains my need, I did some workout , but could not get a result just like above



Try inserting a CoordinateCounter before the VertexExtractor. After the VertexExtractor, if _vertex_number = 0 then it's your first coordinate. If _vertex_number = (_coordcount -1) then it's your last coordinate. You can then set the text for the UID column accordingly.

Hope this helps.

Thanks friends,



I found the way to extract the Vertex (first, last, mid) for a line string with UID and other attributes.


