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so i have a point cloud (lots of them actually) in a LAS file and all of the data is unclassified. 



I am wanting to extract the ground heights from the LAS file and then use those height values to create a DTM.



my thinking is to create a 1metre grid over the top of the area covered by the LAS file (or get FME to do this for me?) and then find all points within that 1m grid cell and assign the lowest Z value to the grid cell.



then once each cell has the lowest Z values i can use that grid to create a DTM. I know there will be cells that have tree tops etc in them and therefore the lowest Z value will be much higher than the ground, how to fix this i am not sure as i do not believe FME has convultion filter style transformers availabe?



so is my approach a effcient way? or is there other ways i can go about doing this? any other ideas on how to solve the inevitable issue of cells with no ground points in them?



any help would be apprecaited.
Hi B,



There are a lot of new demos based on the latest webinar about lidar in FME.


I especially like the idea where you can combine features with lidar, I hope it can give you some ideas.


FME can produce the grid with the 2Dgrid accumulator.


Hope this helps.


