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I have successfully exported tags to a Microstation V8 DGN file using FME 2015 Desktop software.

However when I open the DGN file in Microstation and turn the tag display on using the "Edit Tags" tool, the tags are displaying about 300km away from the actual data.

Can anyone explain why this is happening? Could it be a setting in the DGNWriter or something to do with the Seed file?



Every problem I've ever had with tags has been caused by the seed file (that doesn't mean this one is, but I've not had good experiences with them!)

Maybe try using one of FME's generic seed files, and see whether the position comes through any better?

Alternatively, try testing with Scalers and Offsetters to see whether there's a logical offset, such as the tags being in metric and the base data being imperial?


1. Check the units in DGN and the units of the source data

2. While exporting, have you defined the position of tags


Yes, check out the documentation and you'll see there are several attributes you could set to try and fix this. I think the most likely ones are:

<tag name>.insertion_x

<tag name>.insertion_y

<tag name>.insertion_z

<tag name>.x_offset

<tag name>.y_offset

<tag name>.z_offset
