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Hi All, we are trying to export data from Smallworld to Mapinfo Tab format. In Smallwrold we have objects like Underground Route and Cables, which are having length fields with values available in millimeters, but these values are getting exported as meters to Mapinfo tab, how to keep the values as it is while exporting. Please help. @takashi please help in this regard. Thanks in advance.

Data in Smallworld is stored in millimeters and therefor the length is calculated in mm.

But on a Smallworld table calculated fields can be defined, that do a calculation when exported by FME.

Could be the length is re-calculated on export.

Another option is that the export coordinate system is in meters and the length is re-calculated automatically.

In either case, if you know the length is in meters and you want it back to mm, use an ExpressionEvaluator transformer and multiply the value by 1000. You might lose information if the meter value is rounded.

If you are using the Spatialbiz plugin to extract from Smallworld, I can get you support to suppress the re-calculation of the length attribute.

Hope this helps.

Hi @erik_jan, thanks for the reply, no im not using Spatialbiz plugin, im using FME desktop 2015. I will try to use the expression evaluator as suggested by you and get back to you
