I'm using FME Desktop 2017.0.1.1.
I have a csv file that I need to merge with 6 different csv files. The 6 different csv files are derived from MapInfo table that Intersects with another table and the selection is exported as a csv.
I have AttributeManager, AttributeCreater, DateFormater and FeatureMerger for each csv. These csv files are FeatureMerger with another csv and the writer is a 6 sheet excel workbook.
When "Translation was SUCCESSFUL with 0 warning(s) (81575 feature(s) output" the excel xlsx file contains errors:
"Removed Part: /xl/sharedStrings.xml part with XML error. (Strings) Unexpected end of input. Line 1, column 1614248.
Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part with XML error. Unexpected end of input. Line 1, column 1614250.
Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet2.xml part with XML error. Unexpected end of input. Line 1, column 1614250.
Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet3.xml part with XML error. Unexpected end of input. Line 1, column 1614250.
Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet4.xml part with XML error. Unexpected end of input. Line 1, column 1614250.
Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet5.xml part with XML error. Unexpected end of input. Line 1, column 1614250.
Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet6.xml part with XML error. Unexpected end of input. Line 1, column 1614250."
Is there some settings in the Navigator that need to be adjusted or do I need to do something else?