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Hi all, i am creating a summary report of a larger workspace output in excel. I use 3 stats calculators and a sampler to output what i want to excel. Currently the outputs are going to individual sheets in my output xls file. I would like them on one sheet. Can this be achieved?

I have tried the "named ranges", "starting columns" etc etc. When i try and name my "Sheet Name" on the writer the same as another is appends 00 to it because it clashes? Any help appreciated or is this not possible ? Thanks Steve

If you use more than one FeatureTypes, It will be automatically add 00,01 such serial number.

You can put all of the output connected to a FeatureType, so that it can be
output to the same Sheet.

Hi @goatboy,

Mapping has to be done as shown in the screenshot above. Data will be appended. For example, 1 record from creator and 1 record from Creator_2 are present then output excel will contain 2 rows of data. If you want the values should be in exact cell & column then you have to define using xlsx_row_id (format attribute) for row and User attributes for column.

Hope this helps

feature_type fanout on the writer sets the sheets. Use an attribute for that.

The excel workbook is a dataset. You can fanout a dataset in the navigator panel on the excell writer. parameter>advanced>fanout Dataset This creates separate workbooks.

If you use more than one FeatureTypes, It will be automatically add 00,01 such serial number.

You can put all of the output connected to a FeatureType, so that it can be
output to the same Sheet.

Thanks Taojunabc, this is close to what i want. Its still a bit messy as each of my "creators" in your diagram above have different destination schema, I end up with a weird (but usable) hybrid schema in my xls file. Thanks for your help, Steve


If you need to output different Schema to the same Sheet, then you can consider
to use the Template, and combining with the method specified xlsx_row_id @pratap
said. Specific Settings refer to xlsxWriterSetting. png.
