Dear FME'ers
I have a SpatiaLite file, which I can read with the SpatialLite reader in Workbench. However, there is one non-geometrical table, which does not pop up in the Feature Classes.
So, I thought, I read this table with the 'SQLite Non-Spatial' Format. I get following error:
SQLite 3 Reader: Opening `Z:\\Connector\\GPS2Sirius\\TC_NM_DataFileGPS_V6.sqlite' for read operation
SQLITE3 reader: Database query 'PRAGMA table_info("ElementaryGeometries");' failed. SQLite3 Engine error: 'no such module: VirtualElementary'
However, in the Data Inspecter, I can open the data with the same reader.
Does anyone have an explanation for this? The SpatiaLite database is filled in QGis, but I do not know how it was created initially.