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Hi FME world,


I have a workspace which reads from and writes to several ArcGIS Online feature service layers. At some point, it has stopped updating the data within one of the layers. The workspace still runs successfully and writes features to the layer, but the data is not updated (where there were existing data present) when I check the written features. Where there are blank fields before, the update works as expected. So there is something to do with not being able to overwrite fields where data is already present.

The writer mode is set to UPDATE and there are only ever an X amount of features to update, so the OBJECTIDs never change.


Any ideas?


Does the data that you're trying to write fit into the defined data schema (type/length) of what is already existing in AGOL?

Hi @runneals​, yes I am using the defined data schema for this particular layer (creating the writer schema from the corresponding reader). Data is being written in, but only where is nothing already existing.

Are you seeing any errors/warnings in the translation log? If so, could you share the full message?

Are you seeing any errors/warnings in the translation log? If so, could you share the full message?

Hi @chrisatsafe​, I've managed to solve the issue using a NullAttributeMapper to convert the 'Missing' values of the selected attributes to 'Empty String' before routing to the AGOL Writer.

Hi @chrisatsafe​, I've managed to solve the issue using a NullAttributeMapper to convert the 'Missing' values of the selected attributes to 'Empty String' before routing to the AGOL Writer.

Excellent, thanks for following up to let us know you got it working!

Hi @chrisatsafe​, I've managed to solve the issue using a NullAttributeMapper to convert the 'Missing' values of the selected attributes to 'Empty String' before routing to the AGOL Writer.

hello @chrisatsafe​ , I ran across this post because I am having the same issue with the Esri Portal writer. I have an open ticket that I am waiting for response on. I have a workspace that that will execute, but the data does not actually update the hosted feature service polygons. Upon further digging, it will update about 18 of the 25 features if I filter out the other 7. And, conversely, it will update the 7 features, but only if I filter out the other 18. It's very very strange and seems to only happen with this particular data set. I even rebuilt the polygons from scratch today and still, the same problem

Hi @chrisatsafe​, I've managed to solve the issue using a NullAttributeMapper to convert the 'Missing' values of the selected attributes to 'Empty String' before routing to the AGOL Writer.

Hi @vicviz04​ ,

Any indication of a warning or error in the translation log by any chance? That is really strange that it is isolated to those specific features (when writing the entire dataset). If you are able to share the workspace and sample dataset for this we'd love to take a closer look!
