While using the MongoDB3 Database connections to replace older MongoDB connection, I have this error log showing with the "Test..." button. This error also displays when a query is made on FME Desktop : the query works, features are correctly selected and used, but the error still exists without stopping the process.
MONGODB3 reader: EstablishFeatureDefn(): not authorized on MY_DB_NAME to execute command { find: "system.views", filter: {}, batchSize: 2000, limit: 2000, $db: "MY_DB_NAME", $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, lsid: { id: UUID("a797ca3f-a6d9-4739-aa15-e6c2c5f71a6b") } }: generic server error
My Mongo user is admin of the DB, I can't see why there is unauthorized action? Thanks for the info!
I use FME 2019.2.1.0 (20191202 - Build 19813 - WIN64)
Mongo version is 4.0.13