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I all, I got this error message while running a workspace which writes ESRI relationship classes:


An error occurred while attempting to stop an edit session. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147220893'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Workspace or data source is read only.}



1) I read SHP and write GDB both in and out zip files (if both dataset are not zipped it is OK).


2) I set up the FME_TEMP variable to C:\\temp to make sure I have write access


3) Why should I have write access problems to the _auto_zip_dataset on C:\\temp?


4) Is there a trick I don't know about?



Thanks for your help.







I just saw an error similar -ArcObjects is: '-2147216556'--to this when trying to write to a GDB. I noticed that the features I was trying to point to had a geometric network, therefore, you could not load the data as it needs to be on an edit session. I dropped the network and  all is good now. I hope this helps.
