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Dear FME Community

I have 70 different species datasets - Species 1, Species 2, Species 3, ..., Species 70. Each dataset is stored in ArcGIS Online. I want to write each dataset to Shapefile. I am trying to create a reader / parameter that will enable me to pick a single species to write to shapefile when I run the FME script. Can anyone assist please?

The ArcGIS Online reader requires the following parameters for each species:

Feature Service : MyFolder/Species 1/Species 1_WFL

Layer: Species_1

Regards, Damian


This can be done using Published parameters (in your case a Choice or Choice with Alias).

These articles give a good overview what to do with Published Parameters:

Hope this helps getting started.

Thanks @erik_jan. I figured out a solution. For the benifit of other newbs like me I created two published parameters (choice with alias), one for my feature service, one for my layer. Using a Feature Reader transformer, I put the feature service parameter in 'Feature Service' field and my layer parameter into "Feature types to read' field. I then connected my shape file writer to 'Generic' output port of the Feature Reader transformer.

Cheers, Damian
