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Hi there,


With all the pandemic story, my organization is accelerating the migration to Microsoft Teams.


They are asking us to migrate almost everything to SharePoint / OneDrive.


I would like to know if there would be a way that I can edit my FMW directly from SharePoint.


Right now I have to download my FMW, edit and repush it to SharePoint. It's kinda ennoying.


Do you have any suggestions?


I'Ve read this below but nothing about editing workspaces.



OK nevermind. Just found I can connect my SharePoint to Windows Explorer and edit my workbench directly from there.

OK nevermind. Just found I can connect my SharePoint to Windows Explorer and edit my workbench directly from there.

How do you do that?

OK nevermind. Just found I can connect my SharePoint to Windows Explorer and edit my workbench directly from there.

Lets us know how well that works. When I used Dropbox/OneDrive the processes were incredibly slow until I pathed the log files to my C drive.

How do you do that?

Easy : here

Lets us know how well that works. When I used Dropbox/OneDrive the processes were incredibly slow until I pathed the log files to my C drive.

Honestly we haven't made a ton of test because of a major problem : the path.


I'm new with SharePoint, but right now I can't figure out how to not take in consideration the USER_NAME into the path that point to the file.

If someone else open the workbench or if I run this on FME Server, that path won't work anymore.


For sure, we could use the URL with the domain name. But our root URL is like 500 caracters, I don't want to use that into the scripts. Even that though, I can't make it work...


Anyway, if you have more informations, I'm open! We have the same problem in ArcGIS.
