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Hi, I have simple workbench where outcome is saved as dynamic schema. Somehow, additional columns are added to attribute table of the feature classes in gdb. Any clue what is going on? image

It depends. Hoe did you set it up? Printscreen of workbench and writer settings?

It depends. Hoe did you set it up? Printscreen of workbench and writer settings?

Workbench attached


Workbench attached


This is because these attributes are generated by FME when reading the data. You can fix this in the SchemaScanner, in Ignore Attributes Containing. This should work:


From the documentation:


Excluding Attributes

SchemaScanner processes all attributes on incoming features, including fme and format attributes. It is possible to ignore attributes using the Ignore Attributes Containing parameter.

Enter a regular expression, and matching attributes will be ignored.

For example, if the source data is CSV, you could use the regular expression ^fme_|^multi_|^csv_ to ignore any attributes starting with fme_, multi_, or csv_.
