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although I can read english quite fluently, for this kind of technical stuff I still feel more confortable doing it in my mother tongue, spanish. I feel I lose nuances that can make my processes more efficient becuase I did not select the right transformer.

I have seen that there exist the FME in spanish, but I don't need it. I am OK working in english, it is just sometimes I waste too much time 'deciphering' the help :)

I have seen that all the documentation (and you have a lot) is in english. Maybe it is just I did not look in the right place.

So, is there any place where I can find the documentation in Spanish?

Thank you very much in advance


Hi @b4stgi


The Reseller Con Terra from Germany has a Plugin for FME in Spanish.




Hi @b4stgi


The Reseller Con Terra from Germany has a Plugin for FME in Spanish.




Hi @b4stgi.

@fgiron may be able to assist. Thanks.

Hi @b4stgi.

@fgiron may be able to assist. Thanks.

Hi @b4stgi, sorry for the late answer, I happened to be out of the office last week.

Yes, that's correct, con terra develops the Spanish localization plug-in for FME together with Safe. This includes the documentation as well as the GUI and dialogs of all FME Desktop components. I also think sometimes it is much easier looking up things in the documentation not having to remember the corresponding English terms.

Please feel free to get in touch with us at for more information! You can also visit

Thanks a lot @danilo_fme and @NatalieAtSafe for remembering us!
