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Hi everyone,



I have an issue with a DGN writer where it's not outputting text.  I have generated text using the LabelPointReplacer which successfully outputs the Visualiser however, when I write to a DGN it doesn't write out.  



The workspace uses a few tricks to get a work-compliant file.  I've taken the company DGN seed file, attached in the levels I want and made this file the seed file for the DGN writer.  I've used an AttributeCreator to get the data to write out to the correct DGN level and then the DGNStyler to colour by level (also set line weight and style by level).  I should add that when a cell I've called into the workspace via another DGNStyler passes through the process above, it plots, but the text does not.  



I have a feeling I need to expose something text related on the Writer or perhaps FME is generating a font that isn't in the writer seed file, but not sure where to look.  Any help appreciated as always.



Cheers!  Amit



I think u need to expose the or create or refer to the correct attribute to get the text transferred.


I don't work with Mcirostation, but you should check the format attributes of your dgn writer.


It has a big list like autocad; text related are there somewhere.



I usualy download specific wirter chapter i am working on from the big book "readers and writers"



replace your bible with this, and your good.  ;)






Hi Gio,



Thanks for the reply.  I contacted Safe support and they managed to resolve, it wasn't what I expected so I haven't given enough information above for others to resolve it!  Essentially, I'm undertaking a linear referencing exercise with a DGN line and an Excel table. When the DGN line passes through the workspace, it's geometry type (idgs_type) was set to line so it pushed out linework but not the text. 



To resolve, I exposed the idgs_type in the DGN reader and then removed if just before the writer.



Cheers, Amit
