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I'm writing to a FGDB and keep getting a Warning message in the log file that says:


WARN  |Delete was not performed on feature for the table/feature class 'feature class name goes here'


The thing is that there are 11 line features to be deleted, 9 of them delete correctly and the remain 3 stay in the geodatabase for some reason.  There isn't really any other information in the log file as to why these 3 features aren't deleteing.  I added an inspector to view the data going into the FGDB writer, and all 11 records are set to fme_db_operation = DELETE.  I'm at a lose as to why 3 of them don't actually delete.



Any ideas or other things I can check?
In the case where some features can be deleted and others don't, I'd recommend:



- Try to delete the desired features via a normal SQL statement within the DBMS itself. It may be that it provides a more meaningful error.



- Check whether the features have any primary keys that are foreign keys within other tables. i.e. if there are any constraints set on the table, the database may forbid those features from being deleted individually. Deleting the children first may be necessary, or reviewing the table constraints.

