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We used FME Server 2017.1 and this week we upgraded to FME 2019.1.1

Today i found out the DatabaseUpdater with ArcSDE Geodb deletes the Geometry when you want to update a Table Column with a value from an non Spatial source.

We had some Workspaces with 2017.1 and it worked fine there.

For example one of productive workspace is a non-spatial-oracle database table, which updates a ArcGIS Featureclass in a MSSQL SDE.

I restored the Backup for Server 2019.1. The workspace ran over night and the next day i found out, the data is broken because the geometry is removed.

I tested it and found out it is the DatabaseUpdater Transformer with ArcSDE Geodb Parameter.

I changed the format to mssql in the DatabaseUpdater, this works fine.

I also can reproduce this with a brandnew Workspace, wich was made with FME2019.1.

It doesnt matter where the non-spatial-value comes from, i made workspace with different readers(excel, text,csv, and so on) it will delete the geometry when you use a DatabaseUpdater with ArcSDE Geodb Parameter. Not only Server is effected, also Desktop FME2019.1


Is this intended or is this a bug?

In my opinion this should not happen.



I believe that you can set the writer to not "Update Spatial Column(s)" in the writer parmameters. Here is one on a FileGeodatabase but it should be the same in SDE, you might have to use the licensed SDE writer and not the deprecated SDE 3.0 writer. By removing this option FME will only update the mapped columns.


I believe that you can set the writer to not "Update Spatial Column(s)" in the writer parmameters. Here is one on a FileGeodatabase but it should be the same in SDE, you might have to use the licensed SDE writer and not the deprecated SDE 3.0 writer. By removing this option FME will only update the mapped columns.


Yes in the writer, but i am talking about the DatabaseUpdater Transformer. What bothers me, is that a Workbench in FME2017.1 works perfectly and with FME2019.1 it breaks down your data in your database.

Hi @clemensb! from databaseupdater.png, it looks like you are using a Creator. Did you happen to have the Geometry Object parameter in the Creator set to "Null"?

If so, this will replace the geometry you are matching on in the DatabaseUpdater with a Null.

If not, please share a screenshot of your Creator parameters. Thanks!

Hi @clemensb! from databaseupdater.png, it looks like you are using a Creator. Did you happen to have the Geometry Object parameter in the Creator set to "Null"?

If so, this will replace the geometry you are matching on in the DatabaseUpdater with a Null.

If not, please share a screenshot of your Creator parameters. Thanks!

Yes it is set to Null but this is intended, because this is just a test workspace to show that when you want to update the table with data from an non-spatial source it will delete your geometry.

The productive workspace is a non spatial oracle database table, which updates a ArcGIS Featureclass in a MSSQL SDE.

With FME2017 it worked fine, the workspace ran daily for 2 Years. The geometry stayed and the attribute values where updated. With update to FME2019 it deletes the geometry.

We were able to reproduce the issue reported by @clemensb (internal reference FMEENGINE-10507). However, it seems as though the various database Writers in FME have been harmonized to include the functionality of the DatabaseUpdater. For example, you can use the Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) Writer like so to update attribute values without affecting the current geometry in the SDE Feature Class:

Writer Parameters

