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I have a lot of SDE connection files that I would like to create named connections for in FME Form 2024.

I would like if possible to automate this by creating an xml file to import.  I can use the Directory and File Pathnames Reader to get the path and the name for each sde connection file, so I am thinking I could use FME Form  to  create a xml file with all the entries I need and import that into the filer whiteout having to do this manually one by one.

I do not need to specify anything special in the connections,  version, credentials etc. can all be defaulted, so the 2 values I need are the path and name, which I can get. 


I tried making a single conn and then exporting to see the xml format, but al the values are encrypted.


Is there any kind of xml template or example xml I could use to see how to do this ?  






OK, this is simpler than I thought, it seems to be:

      <servicename>Esri ArcSDE Geodatabase</servicename>
