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I wonder if someone know how to put axis-labels on your bar chart that's created with the WebCharter. Is it possible?



Is there ways to control the axes in a better way? My chart has the months on the x-axis, but the WebCharter automatically puts a zero instead of 1 where my data begins.


Can I deside that the x-axis should be shown from 1 to 12?



Thank you!



are you referring to x-axis labels, like "one", "two" and "three" here?



Create a list of your text values and pass it into the "Data Labels" parameter of the WebCharter transformer.



I mean labels like "month" on the x-axis and "value" (in my case temperature) on the y-axis, the numbers underneath the bars are showing but it would be fun to see what the chart is showing!



Ah! Ok, thanks. That's fun to be able to control those numbers aswell!
Just remember that the WebCharter just constructs an URL for you, so you are free to add to the URL if there are parameters you want to add that are not supported by the WebCharter transformer. Just append an ampersand "&" and whatever you need.



Take a look here for an explanation of the most used parameters.



To also specify the y-axis labels, look in particular at the "chxl" part of this example.



