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Is it possible to write new fields in ArcGIS Portal Feature Service with a writer ?

I’m getting that message : 

ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer: Attribute 'NAME' on feature type 'Roads' does not match any field on the corresponding layer/table. The attribute will be ignored

I can’t believe I have to create those fields with ArcGIS Pro, publish the layer and than run my workbench.



OK I just found out that I need my fields to be in lowercase to make it work.

But for some reasons some field type are not working.

Is there any existing list of all the constraints we need to follow for the fields in Portal? That would save me time!



It seems the Portal feature service writer, only had Truncate existing. If it offered table operation = Drop and Create this would allow you to set a new attribute.


Otherwise go to Portal web and add a new field. Then edit the writer with the new field. Run with “Use Existing” as table operation.


Lastly start exploring the potential of the ArcGISOnlineConnector with the Publish action.

In the end it looks like the problem was the shape_length field that I have to remove before pushing my data to the writer. Portal creates automatically that field. Would be cool to write that down in the Portal Writer’s doc!
