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I need some help.

I am a major student and I am in my final paper for my diploma. I Have to make a 3D map of a town using Citygml.

I have used Arcgis to create the shape file and pgadmin to create a data base.

But when I try to connect my database to Citygml It doesn’t work.When I open the command line to insert the parameters it says that there is a problem.

I have installed postgresql and Java in my computer.

i don’t know if someone can help me but you are my last hope haha

(Not an native English speaker so if something is not explained good please be understanding)

Hi @vessikon2013, sorry to hear you’re not having any luck with your workflow. Would you be able to share some more details about your workspace that you’ve built out so far? If you’re able to share a sample workspace (.fmw file) with us that would be very helpful. 


Additionally, what error message do you get when you try to run the workspace?  

It sounds like you want to import CityGML into the 3DCityDB? 


You can use FME to convert your data from Shapefile to CityGML. Once you have the CityGML data then you can import these data into your 3DCityDB. 


Here you can download an example workspace (with data) which performs the conversion from Shape to CityGML


You can use this and adapt it to fit your data. 


If you are new with FME then you should probably take some time to try and become familiar with the software. 
