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Hello there,

Hope you are doing well and safe.


I am trying to connect to a SharePoint list but I did not have any success with FME 2018, so upgraded to 2020. However, still, I am getting errors. Could you please advise.


Many thanks



AADSTS70011: The provided request must include a 'scope' input parameter. The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid. The scope https://:TENANT] offline_access is not valid. The scope format is invalid. Scope must be in a valid URI form <https://example/scope> or a valid Guid <guid/scope>.


Please see the screenshots.




The "Microsoft SharePoint Online (Template)" Web Service can't be used as-is. You need to make a copy of it and adjust it to match your organization. See the Web Service Setup Instructions under FME Options > Web Connections > Manage Services... > Microsoft SharePoint Online (Template).

The "Microsoft SharePoint Online (Template)" Web Service can't be used as-is. You need to make a copy of it and adjust it to match your organization. See the Web Service Setup Instructions under FME Options > Web Connections > Manage Services... > Microsoft SharePoint Online (Template).

Thank you Carsonlam, is there any guide on how to get those values (e.g. secret client,token,..)

Thank you Carsonlam, is there any guide on how to get those values (e.g. secret client,token,..)

To get things working, you don't need to change the included Client ID. Only the [tenant] in Authorization Parameters > URL needs to be updated to match your organization.

Create an App Registration on Azure to obtain your own Client ID/Secret. This may require the involvement of an administrator for your SharePoint Online instance or Azure subscription.

Thanks, I am following that link and of course, I had to contact ICT, I will keep you/this thread posted.


The "Microsoft SharePoint Online (Template)" Web Service can't be used as-is. You need to make a copy of it and adjust it to match your organization. See the Web Service Setup Instructions under FME Options > Web Connections > Manage Services... > Microsoft SharePoint Online (Template).

Hi again, I think we need to do it from Enterprise application rather than register an app in the Sharepoint (What about the redirect url if we register the app?), However, when we used FME and the admin account, FME application was created in the Enterprise application tab, and the SP admin created a security group, added me to it, and assigned it to FME, Still my account does not work, the admin also tried self-service and this does not work too, sorry it is kind of SharePoint question rather than FME, but appreciate if you could assist.

Hi @mohsenhs82 Please send us the details of your SharePoint problem via Thanks!
