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is it possible to connect to shape layers on an FTP site with a wild card?



for example this WILL WORK:



But I would like to get this (or the same idea) to work:*private*.zip



so the idea is that the reader would simply read all the layers which match the criteria.



Thanks for any suggestions!



I don't think there is an easy way.


A possible workaround I can think of is to define a scripted parameter that creates a concatenated FTP path strings matched with the pattern, and link the source dataset parameter of the SHAPE reader  to that.




# Scripted (Python) Parameter Example


# Not tested enough.


import ftplib, re



host = ''


user = 'username'


pswd = 'password'



dir = 'download'


base = 'private'


ptrn = '^%s/.*%s.*\\.zip$' % (dir, base)



prefix = 'ftp://%s:%s@%s/' % (user, pswd, host)



ftp = ftplib.FTP(host, user, pswd)


paths = s'"%s%s"' % (prefix, path) for path in ftp.nlst(dir) if re.match(ptrn, path)]





return '"%s"' % ' '.join(paths)





