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Dear FME community.

I would like to compare to database who contains json (with subobjects).

The aim is to UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT json into the target DB

Inforamtion : the base 2 may be to json format or "classical" attributes format.

What is the better way to do this ?


Hi @lalandexavier, a possible way I can think of is, use the JSONExtractor to extract ID and other attributes which you need to compare and then use the ChangeDetector to compare the objects.

Hi @lalandexavier, a possible way I can think of is, use the JSONExtractor to extract ID and other attributes which you need to compare and then use the ChangeDetector to compare the objects.

Hi @takashi it's a pleasure to read you.

In this case I'm reading data from AWS DynamoDB, it's NoSQL DB.

I checked the field dynamodb_Json in String type :


In the transformer JSONExtractor I can do the extract like that :

And that's ok !

Now I've a problem with the ChangeDetecor because I've ID to join and I can't do that with this and I've a problem with the date.

I've the same values but the ChangeDetector give me Added and Deleted :

Do you understand how can I do ?

Hi @lalandexavier, a possible way I can think of is, use the JSONExtractor to extract ID and other attributes which you need to compare and then use the ChangeDetector to compare the objects.

Sorry it's ok I had problem with the Parse of my date. But How can I do a join on ID with the ChangeDetector ?

Sorry it's ok I had problem with the Parse of my date. But How can I do a join on ID with the ChangeDetector ?

Try setting the ID attribute to the Update Detection Key Attribute parameter.

Try setting the ID attribute to the Update Detection Key Attribute parameter.

I think you're a most modern version version of FME than me :-)
