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Dear community,


I've used FME before to generate building objs from CityGML files. It works perfectly. However, a caveat is, in CityGML building faces are stored as polygons, but the .obj files that FME outputs seem to triangularization these polygons into triangles. So there is redundant information.


Is there any way to suppress this step to let FME output the original polygons instead?




Hi Yuqiong, I noticed that the OBJ writer has a parameter "Triangulate Faces". Reading the documentation, it seems like changing this setting to No might be able to produce the result you wanted.


Hope this helps.



Hi Yuqiong, I noticed that the OBJ writer has a parameter "Triangulate Faces". Reading the documentation, it seems like changing this setting to No might be able to produce the result you wanted.


Hope this helps.



Hi Xiaomeng, thanks for the reply. I have tried the method you propose and it seems still not working properly.
