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I am trying to create a set of shapefiles with mixed case attributes but, even with what I think are the appropriate settings, I am getting upper case attribute names. I am using a writer with dynamic schema to write the set of shapefiles with the "Use Upper Case Attribute Names" unchecked. I read in the help for writers that this setting will not be used unless you create a new workspace and add the writer to that. I did this but to no avail, I still get upper case attribute names. The input features all have miced case attribute names. What should I do? I am using FME 2012 SP4 Win32.



BTW, how do I add the workspace and log to this question? Perhaps having those would show the problem?



Chris Mugdan
Hi Chris,



I just created a mixed-case shapefile using FME2012sp4 without any problems. Do you create your writer manually or are you using the FME wizard to create the workspace for you?



Also, have you tried to rename the field names manually on the output feature types?



If you want to post your workspace, the easiest is to upload it somewhere (e.g. Dropbox) and post the link here.



Hi David,



Thanks for the response. I was using dynamic schemas, but because ot the issue with mixed case I have moved to static, individual schemas. I was hoping to avoid this as I have a number of different shapefiles to deal with (57).



It would seem that the dynamic schema does not support mixed case for shapefiles.



 Hello, I just sucessfully updated to FME 2013 SP2. The "What's new in FME 2013 SP2?" document states:  "Coordinate Systems: Added Canadian geoids/vertical datums, including CGVD2000/05/10 and CGVD28 (PR#44361)" However, looking under any "Coordinate Systems" transformers such as Repojector or CoordinateSystemSetter, I don't see any support for these datums.  Do I need to do extra steps before I can use these datumes? I suspect I may need to download a grid shift file? 

Yes, it was a minor bug until FME 2013 SP1 fix it.



may be it relates to 



BUILD 13432  20130225


Shape Writer: Changed the default parameters to use mixed case attribute names and not force upper case as before (C70992 PR#42769)
Thanks, I shall just use static schemas for now.



