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When using the GoogleBigQueryConnector transformer, I can see my geometry field 'geo' that I created.


When I use the Google BigQuery reader, the field 'geo' shows up, but using an inspector connected to the reader, all records show <missing> in the 'geo' field.

Is this a known issue? If so, how can I get around this? I'm hoping to get geometry features from the reader.


Thank you in advance!



Hi @kartemann

According to our documentation, the GoogleBigQuery reader does not support spatial data. If you wish to access the geo field, I would recommend using the GoogleBigQueryConnector instead of the reader.

BigQuery spatial data is stored as Well Known Text in the coordinate system EPSG:4326. You can then use the GeometryReplacer transformer and set Geometry Encoding parameter as OGC Well Known Text and the Geometry Source parameter as the geo column. Then use the CoordinateSystemSetter to set the coordinate system as EPSG:4326.

Note: you will need to set the Attributes to Expose in the GoogleBigQueryConnector in order to be able to specify the geo column in the GeographyReplacer.

I hope this information helps.

Hi @kartemann

According to our documentation, the GoogleBigQuery reader does not support spatial data. If you wish to access the geo field, I would recommend using the GoogleBigQueryConnector instead of the reader.

BigQuery spatial data is stored as Well Known Text in the coordinate system EPSG:4326. You can then use the GeometryReplacer transformer and set Geometry Encoding parameter as OGC Well Known Text and the Geometry Source parameter as the geo column. Then use the CoordinateSystemSetter to set the coordinate system as EPSG:4326.

Note: you will need to set the Attributes to Expose in the GoogleBigQueryConnector in order to be able to specify the geo column in the GeographyReplacer.

I hope this information helps.

Thank you Debbi,

I was able to do what I needed with your guidance.


Thanks again,
