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Hello guys,



I have a big CSV file ( 1.3 Go) as an output of a modeling software. This CSV has 2 fields for Lat/Long and 145 more fields, each for a climate variable. I need to convert each variable in a raster, so 145 rasters, with a 500meters resolution (same as input resolution actually)



I tried with the 3D point replacer wich seems to work, but I have problems to set the NumericRasterizer and the ouput is just full of NoDataValues.



R is running out of memory while FME seems to do the job...good point !



Thanks !
Do you have the first 10 lines of this CSV-file? Or can you recreate an example? I would first just read the Lat/long column and convert to coordinates and include the linenumber and save as FFS.



I would then create a list of the 145 fields and somehow merge this with the FFS-file and produce 145 different output rasters.



Show you a small demo file (10 lines with all 145 attributes) and it will be easier to help
