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Hi, In FME 2016.1 and probably earlier releases too, it is found that if the user lacks permission or if a featureclass is unavailable in an ArcSDE Geodatabase thats has been configured in one of the Readesr in the workspace , FME only tends to issue a 'Warning'. I would expect this to be a more serious kind of Error ( Not warning) and report a failure and abort the translation. Is there a reason why the Validation(Checking for existence/permission) of a featureclass in a Reader is not available and not treated seriously?

Hi, Has anybody encountered a similar issue? I'm hoping the SAFE developers would pick this up and evaluate.

This is probably a good discussion for the Ideas board. There is a related discussion already on Better Reader Error Handling around web services causing FME to hang but possibly a new Idea would be more appropriate for this topic.

