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I'm doing some geometry checks on an ESRI file geodatabase.  The workspace worked fine until I got to a particularly large dataset.  Now it runs for a long while and then quits with a popup window saying fme.exe has stopped.  I don't know if the subject line, which comes from the log file has anything to do with it but I wondered if anyone might be able to explain what it means.




Hi Alan,



in my experience, any error message that includes "BADNEWS" needs looking into by Safe. It seems like they are basically unhandled exceptions of some sort.



I would send the entire log and workspace to them, together with a short explanation of what happens.



To troubleshoot your issue, I would use both the Advanced Parameter 'Max Features to Read' coupled with a Sampler. Pass the first half of your data through to see if the problem occurs then the last half and start to trace the problem that way. Quite often the issue is to do with a single corrupt feature that can plague you.


Sorry, I also meant to add that on this matter, the new 2013 GeometryValidator has an option now to help you find Degenerate or Corrupt geometry which may help.



You can also use the Feature Inspection capability which is a great help to hunt down problem data too:

I agree with Dave that it's probably a single bad feature causing the problem, and you might be able to find out which to avoid it.



But even so, we still should crash because of it, so please do send your data and workspace to our support team for analysis (and if you do narrow it down to a specific feature first, so much the better!)



Funnily enough, I did just answer a question about BADNEWS error messages. In your case it seems justified to look into them - but that's not always true. Below is pasted what I answered in the other question, in case it's of interest,









The BADNEWS (debugging) logging is something I wouldn't turn on unless I already knew there was a problem and I wanted more info on what that problem was.



If BADNEWS is the only indication of an issue then I would not be overly concerned. It often logs messages that FME is catching and interpreting for its own use.
That's a good point Mark, I'd forgotten that 'Bad News' is often reported when this is turned on.





It's not always relevant though, so best to keep it off on the whole.
