Using FME Desktop 2018.1.0.2 build 18547 - Win32 in Citrix environment and trying to upload a folder from enterprise file system to an Amazon S3 bucket. I have a simple creator connected to an S3Uploader transformer and an inspector. When I run the workspace in desktop it rejects the upload and gives an error. I can successfully read from the S3 bucket using S3ObjectLister so I know the credentials are working. Here is the logfile:
Even tried running this from a local non-Citrix version of FME 2018.1 same build and get the same error.
Also, when trying to upload a single file I get the same error.
fme_rejection_code =
"java.lang.Exception: S3Uploader_<Rejected>: Termination Message: 'S3Uploader output a <Rejected> feature. To continue translation when features are rejected, change 'Workspace Parameters' > Translation > 'Rejected Feature Handling' to 'Continue Translation''
Translation FAILED with 4 error(s) and 0 warning(s) (0 feature(s) output)
Stored 1 feature(s) to FME feature store file `C:\\Users\\nrobbins\\Documents\\FME\\Workspaces\\AmazonS3UploaderTest_log.ffs'
FME Session Duration: 6.3 seconds. (CPU: 6.1s user, 1.6s system)
END - ProcessID: 14640, peak process memory usage: 354564 kB, current process memory usage: 319920 kB
java.lang.Exception: S3Uploader_<Rejected>: Termination Message: 'S3Uploader output a <Rejected> feature. To continue translation when features are rejected, change 'Workspace Parameters' > Translation > 'Rejected Feature Handling' to 'Continue Translation''
Program Terminating
Translation FAILED."
Has anyone had any success using FME 2018 to upload a folder and subfolders to an AWS S3 Bucket?