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I need some help with a problem I have about sending out log files from FME server jobs. I have a workspace that runs a bunch of jobs using the fmeserverjobsubmitter. if it fails, I capture the log file from that job to a network location. then I send an email with the log files attached using the Emailer. only problem is if multiple jobs failed. it will send multiple emails which I don't want it to do. i also do not want to bundle up the logs files as 1 zip file. I used the featureWriter to write out a txt file of all the log file paths and then the featureReader to read it back, but not sure how to attach it as the attachment parameter expect just 1 file path. TIA!

If you publish the Attachments parameter (ATTACHMENTTABLE), add a couple files and run the workspace, you'll have the required syntax to pass more than one file.

C:\apps\FME17.1-32-b17539\fme.exe E:\FME_TEMP\wb-xlate-1509381727869_31592
          --ATTACHMENTTABLE "E:<backslash>FME_TEMP<backslash>My<space>Log<space>Files<backslash>1.jpg 1 image/jpeg E:<backslash>FME_TEMP<backslash>My<space>Log<space>Files<backslash>2.log 2 autodetect"

The only complex thing you have to do is to encode the path to the files with <backslash> and <space> and maybe any other characters to be encoded.

There may be a TCL or Python call to encode the path using FME functions.

To publish the Attachments parameter, in the navigator window (1), open the Emailer properties (2) and right-click on the Attachments Really parameter and select Create User Parameter...


This will add a published parameter that you can use to select the files to attach.


At this point, if you run the workspace, you'll have in the log window the information I displayed above.

Then, you are ready to use your workspace and attach any number of files to your email by supplying a correct value to the ATTACHMENTTABLE parameter.

If you publish the Attachments parameter (ATTACHMENTTABLE), add a couple files and run the workspace, you'll have the required syntax to pass more than one file.

C:\apps\FME17.1-32-b17539\fme.exe E:\FME_TEMP\wb-xlate-1509381727869_31592
          --ATTACHMENTTABLE "E:<backslash>FME_TEMP<backslash>My<space>Log<space>Files<backslash>1.jpg 1 image/jpeg E:<backslash>FME_TEMP<backslash>My<space>Log<space>Files<backslash>2.log 2 autodetect"

The only complex thing you have to do is to encode the path to the files with <backslash> and <space> and maybe any other characters to be encoded.

There may be a TCL or Python call to encode the path using FME functions.

To publish the Attachments parameter, in the navigator window (1), open the Emailer properties (2) and right-click on the Attachments Really parameter and select Create User Parameter...


This will add a published parameter that you can use to select the files to attach.


At this point, if you run the workspace, you'll have in the log window the information I displayed above.

Then, you are ready to use your workspace and attach any number of files to your email by supplying a correct value to the ATTACHMENTTABLE parameter.

@larryI don't understand what you mean by publishing the attachments parameter? where is that parameter? I tried to find it on and was only able to find the relationship class. Could you send a sample fmw for me to see this?


Hi @tnarladni,

In the event you are running the job on FME Server you could also use the FMEServerEmailGenerator and send a list comma separated URL's as one attribute, after you have used an Aggregator to aggregate all the fails into one feature.

@larryI don't understand what you mean by publishing the attachments parameter? where is that parameter? I tried to find it on and was only able to find the relationship class. Could you send a sample fmw for me to see this?


@tnarladni, I updated my answer to add details on how to publish the parameter.


If you publish the Attachments parameter (ATTACHMENTTABLE), add a couple files and run the workspace, you'll have the required syntax to pass more than one file.

C:\apps\FME17.1-32-b17539\fme.exe E:\FME_TEMP\wb-xlate-1509381727869_31592
          --ATTACHMENTTABLE "E:<backslash>FME_TEMP<backslash>My<space>Log<space>Files<backslash>1.jpg 1 image/jpeg E:<backslash>FME_TEMP<backslash>My<space>Log<space>Files<backslash>2.log 2 autodetect"

The only complex thing you have to do is to encode the path to the files with <backslash> and <space> and maybe any other characters to be encoded.

There may be a TCL or Python call to encode the path using FME functions.

To publish the Attachments parameter, in the navigator window (1), open the Emailer properties (2) and right-click on the Attachments Really parameter and select Create User Parameter...


This will add a published parameter that you can use to select the files to attach.


At this point, if you run the workspace, you'll have in the log window the information I displayed above.

Then, you are ready to use your workspace and attach any number of files to your email by supplying a correct value to the ATTACHMENTTABLE parameter.

@larry brilliant. Cheers mate. 

