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Hi everyone,

I give you my work on the transformation of Runway from AIXM 4.5 reader to AIXM 5.1 writer.

All seems to be fine with the structure but when i try to add some annotations to keep the <txtRmk> attribute inside an <aixm:annotation>, i didn’t suceed to keep the structure complete.

When the branch is disabled, it’s fine. When the branch is enabled, all is going wrong.

Could you please have a look and please give me your feedback.

For the FME documentation team the workbench given on this page : AIXM 4.5 and 5.1 Reading, Writing and Validation - EU Airports Demo – FME Support Center ( doesn’t work with FME 2024. My workbench seems to be good except the annotations branch and i’m glad to help you in the way to update your workbench.

Nice week-end

@takashi : any idea with the issue i have encountered here ?

@nampreetatsafe : For your analysis after the answer i give you in the other topic

Thanks a lot
